What led you to teaching?
I considered a career in teaching after starting my own family when my 2 boys started pre-
school. Initially, it provided the convenience of working term time whilst caring for a young
family, but I realised very quickly it would be a career I would stay with long term.
My own 2 boys always thought of Skippers as their second home and the support they were
given by the Head and staff helped them to flourish.
I enjoy being with children, watching them grow and develop and to be part of their journey
through their young lives, celebrating their individuality and learning both from them and
with them.
Skippers encourages flexibility in teaching styles to deliver in a way that best suits the
individual pupils. I particularly have first-hand experience of this when teaching outdoors in
the woodland – an experience quite unique compared to the every-day class-based lesson. I
love it!!!
What inspires you and what you do?
The pupils inspire me every day. I consider it a privilege to be part of their growth and
development and to be able to share and celebrate their successes and to support them
when things are not so good.
What do you love most about Skippers?
Of the many things I love and have always loved about Skippers, the one thought that is
always present in my mind is the long-standing ethos of the school. Being a small
community, everyone knows everyone else and is actively encouraged to support each
other in a fun, friendly, inspirational and safe environment.
What 3 words simply describe Skippers?
Simply the best!!!!