Inspection Report

We were delighted that during our latest ISI Inspection in September 2019, the inspectors reported the following about our school:

  • The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.
  • Pupils of all ages and abilities show well-developed skills, knowledge and understanding across the range of their learning.
  • Pupils across the school are excellent communicators; they are articulate and from an early age speak and read aloud with confidence.
  • Older pupils are very successful in achieving scholarships and gaining places at senior schools with competitive entry requirements, for which they are prepared well.
  • Pupils respond well to the school’s Effective Learner Profile promoted by staff who encourage them to be positive, engaged, resilient and to seek challenge.
  • The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.
  • Pupils are self-confident, resilient and well-prepared for the next stage of their lives.
  • Pupils develop a strong understanding of their social responsibilities and contribute most effectively to the welfare of their peers.
  • Pupils have strong levels of self-esteem because they benefit from a warm, caring and supportive environment that encourages them to be themselves and feel at home.
  • Pupils work well with others by being part of a happy, friendly community. They are welcoming and inclusive and their relationships are natural, warm and friendly.
  • The success achieved in team sports is outstanding.
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