The Importance of Early Years – Mrs Pinny’s Reflections

Posted: 5th December 2023

It is widely recognised that the first five years of a child’s life are crucial in terms of development. The experiences a child has in those years can shape their future, and the interactions they have with others lays the foundation for future relationships.

Bearing this in mind, I am proud to be part of a school in which the importance of the early years is recognised and supported by the Leadership Team, teaching colleagues, and the wider school community.

One of our school initiatives this year is Broadening Horizons and Raising Expectations. When, as a team, we reflected on this, we thought about the experiences that our children have on a daily basis at school, and felt hugely grateful to all those who contribute to our little ones’ school life.

From the visits we have every day from older children in the school, who come with smiling faces, cuddly toys and enthusiasm for games, reading and creativity into the classrooms; to the kitchen assistants delivering our snacks who delight in engaging in conversation with the children; to Chris, always willing to discuss the contents of his tool box and explain what he is doing; to Mr Jones who pops in and talks ‘all things sporty’ with the children; to the parents who always have a kind word for us and their children’s classmates; you all make a difference and broaden the children’s horizons.

My amazing team are at the heart of the day to day experiences and enhancements to learning provided in the Kindergarten. I’m thankful every morning as they bustle around the rooms, considering the children’s latest passions and interests and setting out art materials, small world scenarios, and role play opportunities to engage the children as they arrive. Our wonderful outdoor spaces provide opportunities for exploration and a real experience of the changing seasons.

Thank you to everyone who supports our children, especially the dedicated team I am lucky enough to work alongside.
We would like to wish you a very happy Christmas, and we look forward to the New Year when we will be together again for more fun and learning!

Mrs Pinny and the KG team.

Categories: Early Years