Enriching the lives of our children in Years 3 – 5

Posted: 5th December 2023

Years 3 – 5 have had a fantastic and busy first term. We are all impressed with their positive learning attitudes and for always being curious to learn more and inquisitive to try new things. In order to encourage and deepen their understanding the children have experienced many excellent and exciting opportunities.

Year 3 children started matches for the first time. They have played both home and away fixtures, representing the school brilliantly in both hockey and football; they also tasted their first Match Teas with much delight! Year 3 has been learning all about the Stone Age and have particularly enjoyed developing their writing skills using our class texts ‘Cave Baby’ and ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’. Their visit to Kent Life provided a fantastic immersive day to enable the children to discover more about how people lived during the Stone Age.

Year 4 discovered about the Victorian Era this term, supported by an excellent workshop finding out what life was like for a child in the Victorian Era. Their morning was an immersive experience as Victorian children; learning about how different, unfair and strict school life was like! After that, they tried chores that scullery maids would have to do, from cleaning pots to churning milk to make butter by hand. Afterwards, they enjoyed playing with Victorian toys, not an Xbox or Playstation in sight. It was a wonderful insight into how different life was and a real eye opener too. The children visited, with Year 7, Michelham Priory to find out more about life as a Victorian in this beautiful setting. The day ranged from the Victorian class room to Victorian farm machinery. Inspired by their new understanding of Victorian life the children were able to use this to support their English writing adding in fantastic facts and emotions.

Year 5 had a super Drama Enrichment day at Battle Abbey Prep. The children created and performed exciting and emotive drama sequences, focusing on using facial expressions, props and dramatic pauses. They had the opportunity to work collaboratively with other schools too. The children produced some truly memorable performances and had a huge amount of fun! Additionally, Year 5 embarked on an inspirational trip to the Science Museum. Whilst there, the children were treated to a session in the Wonderlab, including a presentation on Newton’s Laws and how they apply to rockets firing into space. They were able to explore the Museum’s exhibits, looking at real spacecraft, exhibitions on the Moon and its geology, as well as many other extraordinary artefacts! To finish the day off, the children watched ‘A Beautiful Planet’ on the amazing iMax screen in 3D. This was filmed from an awe-inspiring perspective of Earth from the International Space Station. A jammed pack day of discovering and inspiring science fun to help progress their learning and enjoyment of Science.

I am sure you will agree, the children have already experienced some fantastic activities to support their learning plus inspiration to deepen and broaden their curiosity, understanding and knowledge.

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